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Animal communication

Animal communication sessions

Before each of my distance animal communication sessions, I will email a questionnaire to you so that you are able to provide detail of the questions you have. During the animal communication session, I connect to your animal energetically and communicate with them telepathically, using a recent and clear photograph. I make notes of any sensations, images or messages that I receive to pass along to you which are shared after the session as a PDF via email. If you prefer, a voice recording of the session is available for £10 extra. At present, I don't offer Zoom or telephone sessions as I find this format can often break the connection and flow of messages from an animal.


If you are not familiar with how animal communication works, it is worth researching pet psychics. More helpful information on how the animal communication process works is explained in this article how pet psychics work.


When I connect to your animal, I intuitively link to them and what is going on in their world. The types of  messages I pick up can vary from how they are feeling, what they enjoy and dislike, through to visual images of things happening around them, and even objects and animal friends that they draw close to. I sometimes hear a song and often the lyrics have veiled messages which mean something to you, as their family.


Puzzling behaviour in pets can be worrying and often it can be really hard to know what’s going on and many animal communication sessions are booked to gain greater understanding as to the causes of unusual behaviour. As with humans, behavioural problems can often be multifactorial and this is where distance pet communication combined with reiki can really help. Distance animal communication can lead to a deeper connection to your animal's feelings and understanding of your animal's traumas and needs. 


Distance communication sessions can be the catalyst for positive changes in your animal's world, if you are willing and ready to listen to their needs.


Each of my distance animal communication sessions are carried out for the highest good of you and your animal. Sessions are filled with love, care, compassion and kindness through following my LOVE Methodology™. 


I have recently written a blog explaining in more detail how a remote animal communication session could help you and your animal.





“All in all Vicky, these sessions have been great and there is a difference in Bear. The next stage for us is to take him for some puppy training classes. Thank you so much, we seem to have a better understanding of one another.”

Ann, Owner of Bear, Ireland

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