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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is animal reiki better given in person or via distance healing?

Animal reiki is universal energy and flows the same, whether provided at a distance or in person. Time and distance are no limit. If you would prefer to have reiki for your animal in person and live within the West Yorkshire area, please email me via my contact form for a quotation.

How many distance animal reiki sessions are required?

I generally recommend between two to three distance animal reiki sessions per animal. Reiki healing is most effective when given over a series of sessions and a period of time. However, a number of animals benefit from one single session. Some clients book regular monthly sessions to maintain the positive changes for their animal.

Do I need to be physically present with my animal during the session/s?

If it is possible for you to be present with your animal then this certainly helps, as this means you are able to observe any signs of them receiving the energy during the session.

Do I need to let my animal's veterinarian know about the healing sessions?

If healing is to be given to help a physical concern, you will be asked to confirm that your animal has seen their vet within the past 3 months and/or already has a diagnosis. 


The Veterinary Surgery Act of 1966 prohibits anyone other than a qualified veterinary surgeon from treating animals including diagnosis of ailments and giving advice on such diagnosis. However, the healing of animals by contact healing by the laying of hands or distant healing is legal. The Protection of Animals Act 1911 requires
that if an animal clearly needs treatment from a veterinary surgeon, you, as the owner, must obtain this.

How long should I expect before I see a change?

Results and changes are not guaranteed. Some clients see some positive signs within 3-4 sessions, some as early as the first. Some animals may have changes instantly, rarely it takes several months. Results depend on a number of factors, including how long the animal has been in need.

Do you communicate with animals who have passed?

I am sorry that your animal has passed. I currently only offer sessions for animals that are living. If you are looking for emotional support to help with loss of a pet, I can highly recommend contacting the Blue Cross's free and confidential Pet Bereavement Support Service (PBSS),

Do you offer help with missing animals?

I am sorry to hear that your beloved animal is missing, I offer Missing Pet Reiki and Communication sessions

Do you offer in-person sessions?

At present, I do not offer in-person sessions. Please sign up to my newsletter for updates as my subscribers will be the first to hear if this changes.

All you need to know

What is animal healing? What is the role of an animal healer? What can animal healing help with? What can I expect from a session?  

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