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How can reiki help my dog?

Updated: Jul 16

Reiki is a beautiful and soul-centred gift to your dog, whatever they are going through. Where there’s a need for them to be more settled and comfortable, reiki can help to facilitate a state of equilibrium. If they need to heal, such as following on from surgery or trauma, reiki can help facilitate their journey back to their happiest and healthiest selves.

Reiki is a natural Japanese technique, a complementary therapy and form of energy healing that promotes healing. The reiki healer’s hands are used to transfer the reiki to the intended source, either in person, or at a distance. Here are 3 examples of situations where reiki can help your dog:

1. When there are lots of changes at home which can be unsettling – perhaps you have loud and disruptive remodelling work underway, such as a new kitchen or bathroom in progress. Or perhaps you are moving home soon and want to ensure your pet is supported during the transition

2. Ongoing health challenges - If your pet has ongoing health issues which they are seeing a vet for, reiki can provide help to support them

3. Odd and/or unusual behaviour – If your dog is acting out of character, your vet should always be your first port of call, however reiki can help them to become more settled and calm

If your dog is going through any of the above listed situations, it can be confusing to know what is going on. You may feel worried, sad, concerned and be looking for some clarity over what’s happening and how you can help your dog. In these instances, I recommend combining animal communication with reiki. This combination can work well to help to uncover what is causing the changes and which chakras need to be brought into balance or opened up.

During each remote dog reiki session, I connect to your dog energetically by using a recent clear photograph you have provided. I connect to reiki and then link into each chakra one at a time, starting from the Crown at the top of the head and then working down, to the lowest chakra, which is the Root chakra, at the base of the spine.

During a distance dog reiki session for your pet, I make observations of each of the chakras to pass information on to you, as their cherished caregiver. I spend time sending reiki to each chakra to bring them into balance, a technique known as 'chakra balancing'. I am able to sense and feel the flow of their chakras by working energetically. I will always focus on the chakras which are most in need of bringing into balance and provide you with details following on from the session.

To find out more, visit my remote pet reiki page or book a distance pet reiki session for your dog today.

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